Welcome to the BattleLines Redrawn Project
The Battlelines Redrawn Project started as a study of how some of the battlefields of the First World War have REGENERATED over the last century. My focus centred around the landscapes of theYpres Salient and The Somme and references works by War Artists Paul Nash and William Orpen and the poet and writer John Masefield.
Since the Centenary of the First World War, my interest in the ‘Landscapes of War and Conflict’ have expanded into researching personal stories that centre around WW2. I will use this website to build on my knowledge, research and exploration that will lead to new paintings and stories.
Find out moreThe Paintings
- Anna Dillon
Creating powerful paintings of chalk landscapes from France and Belgium which tell stories from history and show how the landscape has regenerated. Connecting with the countryside of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

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The War Artists
- Paul Nash, William Orpen & John Masefield
Drawing on comparisons between Nash, Orpen & Masefield, their responses to the destruction of the battle torn landscapes and connections to the chalk downlands in England.

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The Battle Lines
- Ypres Salient and The Somme
Examining the landscapes of the North of France and Belgium alongside the Berkshire Downs. Researching how the destroyed landscapes regenerated over the past 100 years.

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